Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lotion bars

We made some lotion bars to give as Christmas presents in 2015, and since they've all made it to their intended recipients, I can share the process with all of you.

I loved making these lotion bars.  We made a few tweaks to our process for the lotion bars we are selling on our Etsy store, but those are mostly process related because these were pretty awesome to begin with.  The cucumber melon scent smells delicious.  Instead of the standard cucumber and green melon (french melon), it's cucumber and watermelon, which has a sweeter scent that's not as quickly recognized but quite obvious once you know what it is.  Anyway, on to the process.

Measure out 8 oz of each of the selected oils, butters, and beeswax.

Put into microwave safe container.

Microwave in 30 second segments, stirring between until you reach an oil consistency that is well combined.

Measure out fragrance oil.

Add to oil/butter/wax mixture.

Pour into molds.  Note: after spooning the oil into two of the molds I gave up and just started pouring from the measuring bowl.

Let sit until room temperature.  Watching lotion bars cool is way better than watching paint dry or water boil.  I highly recommend it.

Place in fridge for 4 hours to set.  Note: After I did this, the ice in the freezer tasted a bit funny, similar to what happens if you have a really potent cut onion in the fridge.  This step isn't necessary unless you need the lotion bars to be usable in a short period of time.  If you do this, just be aware that the fragrance can effect anything that easily picks up other scents or flavors.

Unmold and voila, lotion bars with ingredients we can all pronounce.

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