Tuesday, February 21, 2017

January 2017

January was full of crafting experiences for both of us.  I finished the first block of the 2015 Story Time Sampler pattern from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery, which in my case was The Lady of Shallot.  As it turns out, The Lady of Shallot is a poem, not a story like I thought.  There was a lot of ripping back stitches along the way, but my cross-stitching skills have definitely improved and I'm still enjoying it.

Lee did some experimenting with designs and different bearings to make himself a fidget spinner.  He worked his magic and cleaned the bearings to make this thing spin for a long time.  I think everyone who sits through long afternoon meetings regularly needs one of these.  I would have had fewer incidences of dropped pens/cellphones if I was twirling one of these around with my fingers instead.

I put a few rows of stitches on the Christian's Scarf I'm working on to match Lee's MIA Christian's Hat that I made back in 2015.  I love the pattern, but just haven't been sitting in my knitting chair that much lately.

Lee has mocked up some plans for a shoe rack and some bookshelves for the living room/office area, which you'll get to see in future posts.

Want to see what we're up to more frequently?  We are WestMittenCrafts on Instagram.

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