Sunday, November 9, 2014

Crocheted dishcloths and towels

One of my lovely cousins got married this November.  As we travelled a fair distance to attend her wedding, I wanted to give a gift that falls further into the thoughtful category than the expensive category.  After reviewing her gift registry, I think I came up with an idea for a great gift.  Her wish list contains quite a few awesome pieces of purple cookware and small appliances.  Since she seems to be aiming for purple additions to her kitchen, a beautiful set of purple cotton dishcloths and towels should be well received.

I used Bernat Handicrafter Cotton DeLux yarn in the 78320 Purple colorway to make the Alwine's Dishcloth pattern by Melinda Miller.  I must say that I am in love with this pattern.  The border row and the recommended invisible join make the perfect end to this project.

I originally planned to make a variety of dishcloths, but after trying several other patterns that were not written well or had instructions that were far too complicated for the simple look of the design, I decided to make a set from this pattern, and then increase the pattern repeats to add some kitchen towels to the set.

I hope they like this set.  (Don't mind the color, the lights were very yellow in the cabin.  The pictures above are truer in color.)

To see more pictures or notes I took while crocheting these towels, check out my project page on Ravelry.

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