Sunday, November 23, 2014

Recent Pinterest Inspired Projects

Oh, Pinterest.  I keep venturing out to that land of wasted time.  The inspiration has kept me crafting though, so I think it makes up for all the time spent looking at adorable puppy and kitty pictures.

My first Pinterest inspired project was a soap pouch.  The tutorial I found was from Nikki at Whimsy Love.  I cut one pouch from a washcloth we already had and assembled it according to the tutorial.  Or mostly according to the tutorial.  The washcloth wasn't actually long enough (about an inch too short), so I fudged it a bit with the size of my seams and stuff.  Which didn't actually work.  Not enough fabric appears to continue to be not enough fabric.  Who knew?  :)

So I then squared up the remainder of the towel and used the principles from the tutorial to make a pouch that enclosed the soap widthwise instead of lengthwise.  But I didn't really measure it against the bar of soap I was using, so it's quite a bit too big for the little bar of soap I have lying around.

This one could work with some handmade soap, like Belmont Botanicals Lemongrass soap from Belmont Market in Wakefield, RI.  Oh, do I love that soap.  Or I suppose I can just unstitch my work, trim the fabric, and stitch it up again.  I don't think that's going to happen though.  I do think I will make a few more of these in the future, hopefully from a different towel and with the right measurements.

I then searched Pinterest for a fabric bin to use when picking up some of the random stuff that somehow ends up in the wrong room all the time.  I used Brett Bara's Oilcloth Storage Bin tutorial to make my bin, with one big modification.  I used cotton fabric for the outside and the lining, so it isn't super sturdy when it's sitting empty.

This took away some of the extra steps required when using oilcloth, but if I make another one I may pick some up to use.  I didn't see anywhere in the tutorial that the bag is reversible, probably because the oilcloth would normally be used on the outside, but with two layers of cotton it is perfectly reversible.  The way the bin is assembled, every seam is hidden except the last line of stitching that connects the two layers.  This bin was made from the same fabric as the zippered pouch I made a few weeks back.

The next Pinterest project was the Adult Seat Belt Travel Pillow.  I had come across other pins for the same pillow, but the links to the original project on all seem to be dead.  Since this pin includes the directions, I used it to create the pillow.  The instructions are very clear, and it only took about half an hour for me to make, including the time spent looking for a pillow that was already partially de-stuffed.  The pillow turned out great, and will probably be greatly appreciated during our upcoming trip to Tennessee.  I think I'll make another one too, so Lee and I both have one, in case we end up sleeping at a truck stop during future trips like we have in the past.

I have a feeling this won't be the last of my Pinterest inspired makes.  I'll try to actually take pictures of my progress for future projects instead of just finished objects.  Maybe I'll have some original ideas to post too.

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