Sunday, August 2, 2015

Curtains: take 2

Alright, I'm moving on to the laundry room windows.  I took a lot fewer measurements, and no actual calculations.  Kinda feeling it out this time.  Adjusting things based on how the bathroom curtains came out.  So not me.  Still have numbers in the spreadsheet, but mostly just because I needed somewhere to put my measurements and I didn't have a notebook handy.  Well I had my laptop, which are often called notebooks by manufacturers and resellers, but I digress.

I feel the need to share some of my earlier crazy.  Don't judge.

Compared to my new process:

I was so overcomplicating things.  Anyway, on to the good stuff.

The Plan: (yeah yeah, baby steps)
  • Press fabric (its already been washed)
  • Measure and cut
  • Sew side seams
  • Press top 1"
  • Mark where the curtain rod line should be: 6.5" from top since 1" is folded down
  • Pin in place
  • Test on actual curtain rod
    • Adjust as necessary
  • Sew when it works
    • Update measurements for next curtain based on new knowledge for how I want the tops of my curtains to look
  • Hang curtains
  • Determine where I want them to end
  • Pin/clip in place and press
  • Measure 3" down from fold, cut off excess fabric
  • Fold bottom inch, then at fold
  • Sew
  • Criticize work and begin Curtains: take 3
How it actually went down:
  • Pressed fabric
  • Squared, measured, and cut (I did not cut off the selvedge edges.  Gasp!)
  • Sewed side seams
  • Pressed top 1"
  • At this point, the plan fell through.  It didn't look right.  So I fiddled with the fabric and pressed the top 1" again.  Still didn't like it, so I made the bottom the new top.  Pressed the new top 1" again, and was good with it.  Yay, back to the plan.
  • I measured 6.5" from the top, folded the top to that point, and tried to get the curtain rod through.  No go.  So I measured and drew lines at 7", 7.5", 8", 8.5", and 9".  7.5" fit but was snug, so I decided on 8" to fit over the end caps.  I matched up the top with the 8" line and pressed.  I picked up the fabric to bring to the sewing machine, looked at it, and didn't like it.  More measuring and pressing ensued, followed by me giving up for a while.  By a while I mean two weeks.
  • When I finally got back to it, I tried to square up the fold line for the top 1", using a bunch of Lee's woodworking squares and his straight edge.  The amount of fabric in the top 1" varied a bit, but once folded on the line I made, it looked straight.  I then measured 8" from this line and pressed the top down to that point.  I clipped the edges, held up the fabric and was happy enough with what I had.  I sewed the edge down to make the rod pocket and hung up the curtain.  It looked good.  
  • At this point I had enough confidence and attitude towards curtains that I surged forward with the second panel.  The fabric was pressed, squared, measured, and cut.  The side seams were sewn down.  I squared up the side and measured 1" which was marked on the left and right sides.  Those markings were used to draw a line across for folding.  This process eases my mind so much and gives me the confidence to continue.  I told Lee I want my own square an straight edge for my birthday.  :)  
  • The fold was made, then a line was made 8" below, which was again folded to, pressed, and sewn.   The curtain was then hung up next to the other.  
  • The curtains were hemmed, with a much smaller hem than the first pair of curtains.
  • As for Curtains: take 3, I don't think it's necessary.  Granted, if I start overcomplicating things again, it may happen.  I'm pretty comfortable with the process now, and don't expect any further issues.

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